Sunday, April 4, 2010

Any motel close to the Song Ramp LLC business of music


Just wondering when I come out to your area I would be interested in visiting a place for music fans, writers, etc. called Song Ramp. The address for that is suppose to be: 2991 White Mountain HWY, NH. Are there any motels close by?

Thank you,


Any motel close to the Song Ramp LLC business of music

I don%26#39;t think Song Ramp is a place - I think it%26#39;s just an online community (though I could be wrong). If there really is a location to visit, it%26#39;s in North Conway. Lots of motels in the area...

Any motel close to the Song Ramp LLC business of music

I did a little checking and the other answer seems to be correct. Song Ramp is an on line community. There is no physical address or place to visit. However, North Conway has dozens of hotels, motels, B%26amp;Bs, etc to stay in. Check the trip advisor site for peoples%26#39; faves to stay.

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