Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just look at Mt Washington Hotel from the road?

Sorry if this sounds a very minor question, but is it possible to pause for 5 minutes or so, safely, anywhere on Route 302 (or surrounds) just to get a nice view over to the Mount Washington Hotel, with possibly the mountain in the background?

We%26#39;re going to be driving past, but we%26#39;re not considering paying for parking up and actually going into the hotel. But my Mum, in particular, would really just like to %26#39;see%26#39; the hotel after reading about it in a guide book.

Many thanks for any help.

Just look at Mt Washington Hotel from the road?

Yes, there is a perfect spot to park and take a picture. It is just after the entrance going east, you can not miss it.

Just look at Mt Washington Hotel from the road?

You%26#39;ll be making many stops as you drive in that part of the country and yes, you%26#39;ll be able to include a good loke at the hotel with the mountain in the background. Bring your binoculars and your camera. If it%26#39;s a clear day you should be able to see the smoke from the Cog Railroad engines in the distance.

Thank you both so much :o)

Go to WMUR TV site. Then Signs of Spring %26gt;Landscapes. There is a great photo of the Hotel with a rainbow around it.

As indicated you can stop and take pics from the road, but a thought for you. You are coming a long way to just take a picture. It is worth a visit as the hotel is both beautiful and historic. You can sit on the veranda and enjoy a drink, watching the people play tennis or the Cog chug up the mountain. It is worth experiencing if even for a moment.

It sounds like the OP has other priorities and is just planning the courtesy stop out of respect for his Mum. But I heartily agree that it would be worth the time and the money to go a step further and treat Mum to an inside look at the hotel and grounds. It%26#39;s a fascinating place and no matter what other plans you have in the White Mtns, if you get up to Bretton Woods, a visit to the Mt Washington Hotel will enhance your vacation. And scoring extra points with Mum is always a good idea...

I don%26#39;t think you have to pay to park - just drive up and check it out - Mum will love a drink on the porch and to check out the vintage interior - we love this hotel and so will you!

On our last two visits to the hotel we did have to pay a fee to enter the grounds and enjoy the hotel as non resident guests. However the fee was returned to us in the form of a credit at the dining room where we enjoyed lunch on the veranda.

If you do not eat or get a drink there, the parking fee is $8 (as of last fall) and is not returned to you. But it is worth ever penny to visit this wonderful hotel. And by all means, have a drink on the veranda.....

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